Quality Standards of Youth Friendly Health Services in the Republic of Moldova
Quality Standards of Youth Friendly Health Services in the Republic of Moldova …
National Strategy Application Joint Assessment
The Republic of Moldova expressed interest in participating in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria’s (GFATM’s) Second Wave of National Strategy Applications (NSA), based on the decision of the National Coordination Council for HIV/AIDS/STI Prophylaxis and Control and TB Control Programmes. In order to apply for funding through an NSA, the Republic […]
Finance and Auditing (The strategy is accompanied by a sound expenditure framework with a costed plan. It should ensure pertinent recurrent and investment financing of e.g. human resources, access to medicines, decentralized management, infrastructures and logistics. The strategy is accompanied by a description of financial management system (including financial reporting against budgeted costs, and accounting policies and processes) and evidence that it is adequate, accountable, and transparent.)
The strategy is accompanied by a sound expenditure framework with a costed plan. It should ensure pertinent recurrent and investment financing of e.g. human resources, access to medicines, decentralized management, infrastructures and logistics. The strategy is accompanied by a description of financial management system (including financial reporting against budgeted costs, and accounting policies and processes) […]
HIV Disease Expertise(HIV Disease Specialist will look into the situation analysis which should be based on a comprehensive and participatory analysis of health determinants and health outcome trends based on the epidemiological, political, socio-economic and organizational context prevailing in the country. The analysis of past and current health sector responses identifies priority problem areas and programmatic gaps.)
HIV Disease Specialist will look into the situation analysis which should be based on a comprehensive and participatory analysis of health determinants and health outcome trends based on the epidemiological, political, socio-economic and organizational context prevailing in the country. The analysis of past and current health sector responses identifies priority problem areas and programmatic gaps. […]
Multistakeholder Involvement (The strategy has been developed based on multi-stakeholder involvement in development of national strategy and operational plans (led by government, with a transparent participative process)
The strategy has been developed based on multi-stakeholder involvement in development of national strategy and operational plans (led by government, with a transparent participative process. …
Methodology for preparation of strategic development programs of central public administration authorities
INTRODUCTION 1. Strategic planning is a major reform requiring substantial efforts on the part of all central public administration authorities (CPAAs). The Strategic Development Programme (SDP) of an authority is the key document for planning the managerial and strategic work of an authority, tool to be used for policy and budget planning, both at institutional […]
Programme Management (Current logistics, information and management system constraints are described, and credible actions are put in place to resolve constraints.
Current logistics, information and management system constraints are described, and credible actions are put in place to resolve constraints. …
Strategic Planning (National strategy is consistent with epidemiologic trends, relevant higher and/or lower-level strategies, financing frameworks and underlying operational plans are in place)
National strategy is consistent with epidemiologic trends, relevant higher and/or lower-level strategies, financing frameworks and underlying operational plans are in place. …
Стандартизированный подход к работе общественных организаций в сфере сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья
Стандартизированный подход к работе общественных организаций в сфере сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья …
Руководство «Менеджмент НПО»
Руководство «Менеджмент НПО» …